Rising Dawn Reflections intends to alleviate the challenge of GBV+F and HIV/AIDS by offering psychological support, seeking justice and provide safe shelter for victims and survivors of GBV+F. Promoting community awareness through campaigns, in schools and most affected areas. We have made a commitment to strive to combat the spread of GBV+F in communities by means of engaging various stakeholders to ensure prevailing of justice and healing to victims and survivors of GBV+F developing strategies, involving community in performing awareness campaigns in combating the sting of GBV+F. We are conducting a public benefit activity by endorsing the 60/40 principle on activities and encourage community development, prioritizing unemployed youth, women, and responsible citizens, earning their lives within our communities. Rising Dawn Reflections is of the opinion that it is not promoting self-interest of any employee organization, otherwise by ways of reasonable remunerations.

Country: South Africa

Years in Operation: Since 2020

Registration Details: NPO-246-040

Wish List

Getting funding to build youth and child care center, and multi-purpose center. Assistance with vehicle for mobility flexibility. Funding for programs.

Online Platforms



Cause Highlights

GBV+F awareness campaigns hosted by Rising Dawn Reflections in various schools: 1. Marelani S.S.S https://pondolandtimes.co.za/rising-dawn-reflections-foundation-to-host-a-campaign-against-social-ills-in-bizana-communities/ 2. Cangci Comp. Tech https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watchvzLJFW1MYu6Q&ved=2ahUKEwilpr2W7eCAAxUeWEEAHVo-CnUQwqsBegQIERAG&usg=AOvVaw2mIsHwHw32heBiGbGWUn09 3. Nyanisweni S.S.S https://www.facebook.com/100044434329692/posts/pfbid08yvjcAAXM4ZyuKib918ciiNfTNBEeGpihLVVe1VN5zcBm7sJqbKoFK7jyn2qTLPUl/?app=fbl