Phambano: ‘Make a Difference’
#eSafetySouthernAfrica is an online and in-person capacity building programme to empower and equip nonprofit organisations in Southern Africa with the necessary tools required to eliminate cyberbullying and online abuse. Our #tech2endGBV programme is designed to educate women-led and serving nonprofits about online harassment and equip them with the tech tools to #endgbv
Technology-facilitated GBV and cyberbullying is not something that will self-correct. It will take empathy, strategic and sustained action, based on an understanding of its root cause, to break the cycle. We believe that technology can be a powerful tool to campaign against gender-based violence and cyberbullying, when used responsibly. Our #eSafetySouthernAfrica programme reaches all genders, all races, all religions and people from all walks of life through our workshops, blogs, social media platforms and TechClinics.
For more information on how your organisation can access our #tech2endgbv programme, email us on info@phambano.org.za