Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

Make a difference

We are a purpose-driven organisation that provides sustainable technology- related solutions to nonprofit organisations across Southern Africa. 

Who We Are

Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC is a purpose driven organisation with the aim of becoming known as the go to solution for technology capacity building in nonprofit organisations across Southern Africa. Our technology development initiatives allow us to provide once off or ongoing support to organisations in need. The range of services offered by Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC aim to increase the skills and capacity of organisations across Southern Africa, empowering organisations to reach more beneficiaries at a local and global level.

Our Programmes

Feature your Nonprofit

By featuring your nonprofit on our website, you can raise more awareness of your nonprofit, create more community support and boost your visibility to funders and donors.

Techsoup Southern Africa

Software donations and discounts for eligible nonprofits across Southern Africa

Microsoft Cloud Solutions

Microsoft 365 puts powerful tools within reach to help your nonprofit collaborate better

Techsoup Connect Southern Africa

TechSoup Connect Southern Africa hosts online tech-for-good events that bring nonprofits together.


A capacity building programme to empower and equip nonprofits with the necessary tools required to eliminate cyberbullying and online abuse.

Website Development

Assisting starter nonprofits with developing professional and affordable websites

Digital Skills Development

Exclusive training for nonprofits includes (but is not limited to): Microsoft product suite; Facebook product suite; digital marketing.

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